Wow this is gorgeous Claire, love your new image and beautiful papers - wonderful detail here hun. Very overcast here today and tremendous thunderstorm last night, enjoy your sunshine. Hugs, Nicola -x-. May 23, 2009 ...... Paperminutes #278 - Schablone mit Gesso oder Acryl / Template with gesso or acrylic colors - Hallihallo, wir danken euch sehr herzlich für die zahlreiche Teilnahme bei unserer letzten Challenge. we thank you very much for your numerous& ...
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Reality Check: I can`t wait to read Vogt and Irey`s take on this. you`ll have to wait bill… it`s out of your control. but don`t worry because kevin seems to have explained it all away, in usual par excellence.. notwithstanding.. avatar.
Saturday, 16 May 2009 ..... Too*Design Team`s newest members. We hope you`ll enjoy their art works in the upcom... 10 hours ago ...... Challenge #193 ~ Benutze Kraft Cardstock / Use kraft cardstock - Hallo liebe Stempelfreunde, da sind wir wieder mit einer neuen Challenge. Das Thema für die ..... Hi there sweet peeps - yes it`s Dawny P here and I`ve just popped on here to let you know that I have spoken to Jac to see if she was OK as she hasn`t post... 3 months ago.
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Wow this is gorgeous Claire, love your new image and beautiful papers - wonderful detail here hun. Very overcast here today and tremendous thunderstorm last night, enjoy your sunshine. Hugs, Nicola -x-. May 23, 2009 ...... Paperminutes #278 - Schablone mit Gesso oder Acryl / Template with gesso or acrylic colors - Hallihallo, wir danken euch sehr herzlich für die zahlreiche Teilnahme bei unserer letzten Challenge. we thank you very much for your numerous& ...
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